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December 2, 1992, 1:30 PM, Room of Requirement Hogwarts

Tony Goldstein

The Room of Requirement resonated with the echoes of spells and occasional laughter as they practiced together. Adam, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Su, and Tony found themselves immersed in a session aimed at refining their skill with spellcasting.

Expelliarmus!” Harry’s confident voice rang out, his spell hitting the target with precise accuracy and sending the stick in its hand flying to the side.

Beside him, Hermione, never one to be outdone, flawlessly executed the same charm.

Opposite of them, Ron, a mix of determination and frustration, muttered an incantation, doing his best to get the pronunciation correct. Su, quietly diligent, listened to Adam as he went over a charm with her— the Locking Charm, Colloportus, he believed.

Nodding at the girl and setting her to her task, Adam moved away from her and watched the scene unfold with a knowing glint in his eye.

“All right, Tony.” Adam said, giving his friend a smile. “Let’s see your Shield Charm!”

Tony nodded, his focus shifting to the defensive spell. He murmured the incantation a few times, his eyes closed as he immersed himself in the way Adam had taught him.

Protego!” He incanted, conjuring a shimmering shield in front of him.

“Not bad, not bad at all.” Adam said after staring at it for a few moments— Tony beamed; from Adam, that was high praise. “Solid enough. But let’s see how it deals with an actual attack. Harry, you’re up.”

Potter gave Adam a nod before moving himself in front of Tony, the rest giving the two a wide berth.

“Ready?” Adam said, getting nods from both boys. “Go!”

Harry unleashed a series of spells, attempting to break through Tony’s defense. Disarming Charms, Stunning Spells, and even a few minor jinxes flew through the air. Tony concentrated, holding his Shield Charm strong against the barrage.

The others watched in anticipation as the spells collided and dispersed against the barrier, creating a dazzling display of magical lights and sounds. Adam observed with a quiet intensity, his eyes flickering between Harry’s determined attacks and Tony’s unwavering defense.

His shield, however, didn’t feel as unwavering as it looked. Tony keenly felt the strain as time went on; each impact sent a shiver through his arm, the force of the spells causing his shield to ripple and quiver. The magical barrier wavered, shimmering with the intensity of the attacks, but Tony gritted his teeth and held on.

He could do this— he could! Stronger!

Tony’s focus remained steady, but beads of sweat formed on his forehead as he fought to maintain control.

Despite the struggle, Tony’s Shield Charm held strong. It flickered and danced under the assault, but it refused to yield. Harry, recognizing the effort, finally lowered his wand. The brief but intense encounter left Tony breathless, exhaustion washing over him as he caught his breath, his Shield Charm dissipating into innumerable motes of light..

Harry spoke, a grin spreading across his face. “Impressive, Tony. Your Shield Charm is getting really good.”

Tony’s heart swelled with happiness as Harry praised his Shield Charm. The genuine grin on Harry’s face fueled a surge of pride within him. The words of encouragement didn’t stop with Harry, either. As the others chimed in, Tony’s grin widened.

Even Adam, who was usually conservative with his positive comments, joined in to express admiration for Tony’s progress. The unexpected compliment from Adam felt like a validation of his efforts, and it brought an extra layer of joy.

As the room buzzed with the energy of their successful practice, Adam, ever mindful of the passage of time, attempted to steer the meeting towards a close.

“Alright, everyone, I think we’ve made some decent progress for today.” He suggested and fidgeted in a way Tony recognized; the boy was probably looking to be alone for a little while. “But I think I’m done for now. There’s a few things I’d like to— Harry?”

Harry, looking almost eager for some reason, walked up to Adam. “Hold on a sec, Adam. There’s something I wanted.”


“A duel.”

A duel? Tony parroted in his thoughts, not sure what had come over Harry.

Adam raised an eyebrow, his lips quirking into a half-smile. “Harry, we’ve been at it for hours. Perhaps it’s best to save the duels for another time. I can’t speak for you all, but I’d definitely like a break.”

He was answered with a few nods of confirmation from the others, but Harry, undeterred, was already brandishing his wand. “Come on, it’ll be fun!”

“Fun?” Adam tilted his head, confused. Tony understood the gesture; he could tell that Harry was hiding something.

He exchanged glances with the others, a mix of amusement and curiosity evident in their eyes. Adam sighed, realizing that arguing with Harry when he had that determined glint was often a futile endeavor.

“Fine. I know it’s pointless to try and convince you when you get like this.” Adam conceded, a wry smile playing on his lips as he shook his head.

The room’s atmosphere shifted, anticipation hanging in the air as the two boys faced off against each other.

“Tony, would you do the honors?” Adam asked his friend, to which Tony gave an eager nod.

He stepped in between two boys, sending the two a look before slowly backing away, his upraised hand dropping to signal the match. “Begin!”

As soon as Tony was clear, Harry unleashed began to cast spells, his wand dancing through the air with enthusiasm.

Stupefy! Expelliarmus! Tarantallegra!” He incanted in quick succession, spells of scarlet, red and purple rushing towards his opponent.

Adam, however, well-versed as he was in higher-level combat, deftly evaded and deflected each attack. He moved with an effortless grace, sidestepping Harry’s followup curses and even making sure the others in the Room were kept out of harm’s way.

It was truly impressive.

This is what constant fighting has led him to. Tony thought in both admiration and dismay. His eyes flitted to Adam’s visible burn scars. Would that be what fighting would lead him to as well? He shook his head and paid attention to the duel once more.

Frustration etched Harry’s face as Adam seamlessly continued to weave through the storm of spells. The mischievous, excited countenance that had sparked the challenge began to wane. Harry’s attacks grew more intense, yet Adam maintained his composure, his movements a dance of skill and control.

In a sudden twist, Adam seized an opportune moment and cast a swift, silent Stinging Hex, his first spell in that duel. It caught Harry off guard, tripping him and sending him to the floor with a yelp of pain.

The room fell silent, the echoes of spells dissipating as Harry dusted himself off and got back on his feet.

“Done yet, Harry?” Adam inquired, a hint of amusement in his voice. He expected the usual banter and a good-natured conclusion to their impromptu duel.

However, as Harry rose, the boy’s expression had shifted. The mischievous glint was all but gone, replaced by a more serious demeanor. He looked at Adam, a silent determination burning in his eyes. Without uttering a word, Harry readied his wand once more, signaling that he was far from finished with their friendly duel. The room tensed with an unspoken challenge, setting the stage for a continued exchange of magical prowess between friends.

“Fine.” Adam acknowledged the boy’s silent display. “As you wish.”

Undeterred by his previous fall, Harry resumed the duel with a renewed intensity. Spell after spell, he launched an unrelenting assault, determined to break through Adam’s defenses. Yet, each attempt was once again effortlessly countered, dodged, or deflected by Adam’s practiced skill.

The room echoed with the clash of spells, the dance of magical prowess between the two friends continuing unabated. Harry’s frustration continued to grow with each unsuccessful attack, making him commit more and more mistakes.

Inevitably, once again, Adam seized an opening, casting a spell that sent Harry stumbling— a Disarming Charm, this time, which sent his wand clattering to Adam’s feet.

“Had enough, yet?” Adam said, crouching to pick the wand up.

“No.” Harry growled out, snatching the wand before Adam could reach it and swiftly getting to his feet. “Let’s go again.”

Again, green eyes met black and white, and Adam nodded in acceptance, though Tony could see the expression of weary resignation on his face.

And so, Harry stood against his opponent once again, his determination unyielding. This cycle played out twice more, and with each iteration, everyone’s concern deepened.

“Harry, that’s enough.” Adam finally interjected by the fourth try, his voice carrying a note of genuine worry. “You’re pushing yourself too far.”

“He’s right.” Ron added in from the side.

“What’s this about, Harry?” Hermione asked; beside her Su sent a look towards Adam, and then shared Tony’s gaze. Tony only shook his head. He didn’t understand what Harry was doing either.

Harry, however, did not answer her, brushing off everyone’s concern with a shrug of the shoulders. The weariness in his eyes was evident, but a stubborn resolve kept him on his feet.

“Use your chains.” Harry said.

What?” Adam replied, taken aback by the request. “You’re barely able to deal with me right now— and you want me to go further?”

“No.” Harry said, shaking his head. “I need you to.”

The room fell silent as the friends locked eyes, a silent exchange of understanding passing between them. There was an unspoken acknowledgment that perhaps the friendly duel had escalated beyond its intended bounds.

Tony frowned. He doubted even Adam knew what was going on here.

Adam took a deep breath, his eyes narrowing in concentration. In that moment of focused stillness, he silently summoned his signature spell. The air around him seemed to shimmer with magical energy as undulating, glowing chains of silver burst forth from the tip of his wand, swirling around in the air.

Their presence transformed the atmosphere, casting a soft glow that played across the room. The sound of delicate clinks echoed, creating an otherworldly ambiance that added to the mystique of Adam’s spell.

No matter how many times Tony saw it, he was impressed. As flawed as Adam was recently claiming it to be, his spell seemed refined to an impressive degree.

As the magical chains hovered around him, Adam’s expression remained composed, but there was an undeniable intensity in his eyes.

The unspoken challenge had taken on a new dimension, and the room brimmed with a strange, unwelcome tension as the two adopted brothers prepared for the escalated stage of their once-friendly duel.

Harry began his new barrage of spells, but this time, Adam stood his ground, his chains springing to life with a mesmerizing dance. Each spell Harry cast was intercepted and deflected by the chains, moving with a precision that seemed somehow both chaotic and choreographed.

Tony watched in awe, his eyes widening with each successful interception. What was even more impressive was that Adam didn’t seem particularly strained as he usually would; though he stood in place, he moved as a master conductor orchestrating the dance of his magical chains with a mere thought.

As Harry continued his relentless assault, Su sidled up to Tony, her eyes fixed on the captivating display of Adam’s magical prowess.

“Adam’s really stepped up his game, hasn’t he?” She remarked, a hint of admiration in her voice.

Tony nodded, still entranced by the display before him. “Yeah, it’s incredible. He’s not even dodging at this point.”

“Look at him.” Ron said. “Like someone orchestrating a symphony.”

“D’you think…” Tony ventured, getting their attention as Harry continued to struggle to break through Adam’s defense. “Maybe it’s because of what we learned about wandless magic from Uagadou?”

Su’s eyes gleamed with curiosity as she considered the possibility. “It could be.”

Hermione, who had overheard their conversation, joined in, shaking her head. “It’s not just wandless magic; I think he’s integrated some advanced principles into his spellcasting. Notice the way he’s moving. It’s like he’s far more comfortable in his own body.”

Tony stared at the boy, and sure enough, he saw it. Adam’s movements were different, in a way he couldn’t quite— Ah. I see; he’s moving so much more fluidly than I remember.

How had he achieved this? Tony resolved to ask the boy after the duel was completed.

“Don’t just stand there.” Harry snarled at Adam, making everyone jolt at the boy’s sheer vehemence. “Fight back!”

Adam stared at Harry for a moment before nodding.

With a swift motion, he sent one chain spearing toward Harry, forcing the boy to step to the left. A moment later, the chain attempted to coil around him, but Harry blasted it away with a quick Banishing Charm, showcasing impressive reaction speed.

Tony watched, impressed at how Harry managed to fend off the attack. He had to remember that, even though Adam was leagues beyond them, Harry wasn’t exactly slouching in the Dueling department, either.

However, confusion lingered in Tony’s mind. What exactly was Harry trying to accomplish with this duel? The answer eluded Tony as he observed the intricate dance between Adam’s chains and Harry’s sheer reaction time and power.

Adam upped the ante, doubling his attacks by adding another chain. Soon. Harry was forced completely on the defensive, unable to launch a single attack.

Tony watched them go at it, but he knew that Harry wouldn’t be able to maintain this for too long. It seemed that Harry, too, thought the same, for he finally stopped moving, deciding to take the two chains head on.

“Watch out!” Su cried out, worried, but Harry was undeterred.

Depulso!” Harry incanted, determination shining in his eyes as he sent both of Adam’s attacking chains flying back. Seizing the opportunity, he followed up with a swift Disarming Charm, finally forcing Adam to step to the right as the spell found its mark through a gap in his defenses.

A smirk played on Harry’s lips, a moment of triumph. Finally, he seemed to be getting somewhere.

Alas, Harry’s satisfaction was short-lived. As he reveled in his success, he noticed a third chain emerging from his blind-spot a little too late. In a split second, he attempted to block it with the Shield Charm, but the barrier proved insufficient.

The third chain shattered through his defenses, the magical impact sending Harry crashing shoulder-first into the wall with a loud cry.

The room fell into a stunned silence, broken by gasps and cries of shock as Harry tried to get up, clutching at his shoulder in obvious pain. The unexpected turn of events left everyone momentarily frozen in disbelief.

Hermione, overcome with concern, attempted to rush to Harry’s aid, but she halted abruptly, as if transfixed by an unseen force.

“W— what’s happening?” Ron exclaimed, his own shock mirrored in the expressions of the others.

“I… I don’t know.” Hermione stammered, her confusion evident. She took a step back, her eyes fixed on Harry’s form, which was now crackling with bluish-white sparks of electricity. “Harry? Are… Are you all right?”

Tony, echoing Hermione’s sentiment, felt a chill run down his spine. As he watched Harry’s body pulsating with magical energy, he swallowed.

“What’s going on?” Tony muttered under his breath, mirroring Hermione’s confusion. He, too, hesitated, uncertain of what the crackling energy enveloping Harry might signify.

Meanwhile, Harry slowly rose from the floor, his body still emitting the strange sparks of electricity.

The most surprising reaction by far, however, was Adam. His eyes were wide with unadulterated shock, as if he were seeing the world for the first time. Tony could only wonder what was going through the boy’s mind.

Harry took a wobbly step forward, his hand still clamped on his shoulder. Hermione, now more determined, tried to get the boy’s attention once again.

“Harry, are you alright?” She asked, her voice filled with concern. “Harry!”

But Harry didn’t answer. His green eyes gleamed with the same bluish-white power arcing off his body. He seemed entranced by the energy that enveloped him, his focus turned inward as if grappling with some unseen force.

Hermione, growing more alarmed, took a cautious step back. “Harry, please, say something. Can you hear us?”

Despite Hermione’s plea, Harry remained unresponsive, lost in the pulsating current that surrounded him. The crackling energy enveloping Harry left everyone on the precipice of the unknown, and Tony could sense the collective unease that hung in the air.

Harry, his gaze still gaining slow focus, jabbed his hand against his shoulder with a swift, harsh motion. The audible snap of bones realigning made everyone in the room cringe, a collective wince shared among the onlookers. Yet, Harry didn’t seem to register the discomfort. It was as if he hadn’t even felt it.

But how? Tony thought, but there was no time to consider such things.

“We have to do something.” Hermione said, but Ron held her back.

“No.” Adam told everyone, and his voice was as harsh and brutal as it was at the end of the previous school year. “Don’t get too close. Harry’s not himself.”

His ears focusing on the closest noise, Harry turned his head towards Adam. His hair standing on end like a charged halo, the Boy-Who-Lived looked like a wild, feral version of himself. The bluish-white sparks continued to dance around him, creating an otherworldly aura. His eyes, now focused on Adam, held an intensity that bordered on primal.

Tony exchanged a glance with the others, their expressions mirroring a blend of awe and concern. Harry’s wild, feral visage hinted at a power that defied explanation, but more importantly, at imminent danger for them if he didn’t snap out of it.

“Harry…” Adam said, trying to get through to the boy. “You have to snap out of it. Can you hear me?”

Harry did not respond, instead taking a step forward.

“Harry!” Adam said, frustration creeping into his voice, before cursing to himself and addressing everyone. “I’ll have to restrain him. Get your Stunners ready.”

Adam attempted to catch Harry with a chain, but to everyone’s surprise, Harry dodged with ease, the chain whipping by him as if he wasn’t even there. The room fell into a stunned silence as Harry maneuvered effortlessly, sidestepping the following attacks with ridiculous ease.

“Did you see that?” Ron exclaimed, his eyes wide with disbelief.

Hermione, usually the voice of reason, could only manage a breathless. “I’ve never seen anyone move like that.”

“Is this still Harry?” Su chimed in, her eyes fixed on the unfolding spectacle. “He’s like a different person.”

Tony, his wand at the ready, felt the same awe and concern the others did, but he gritted his teeth, waiting for the opportune moment for them to strike. He trusted Adam to keep this situation from spiraling out of control.

Adam, frustration now etched on his face, continued his attempts to catch Harry, but each dodge displayed a level of agility and reflexes that defied explanation.

“He’s not just dodging; he’s anticipating.” Hermione observed, her analytical mind trying to make sense of what was going on. “I can’t follow his movements at all, though.”

As Harry continued to elude the magical restraints, the friends could only watch in shock, their initial concern giving way to a deepening sense of unease. Whatever had taken hold of Harry seemed to have transformed him into a magical force that defied all expectations.

Throwing caution to the wind, Adam decided to send all his chains forward, a determined attempt to subdue Harry’s erratic movements. However, that seemed to be the cue that Harry had been waiting for.

As Adam unleashed the magical chains, Harry’s form became engulfed by a shroud of white smoke. In an instant, he streaked forward with astonishing speed, dodging past most of the chains effortlessly. The room filled with the sounds of Adam’s chains crashing into the wall of the Room, cracking stone and sending a few shards flying.

Despite the barrage, Harry remained unscathed, only getting slowed down by a few chains as he closed the distance between them. With a forceful crash, he collided with Adam, sending the older boy sprawling to the ground.

The room fell into a heavy silence as the dust settled. Harry stood there, his silhouette outlined by the power coursing through him. The bluish-white sparks still danced around him, creating an ominous aura. The friends, now more than ever, were left in a state of profound shock, their attempts to understand the situation thwarted by the inexplicable events that had unfolded before them.

Before anyone could cry out for Adam, the determined boy forced himself up, grunting through the pain as his body bore the aftereffects of the tackle. Arcs of electricity danced over his form, and spasms wracked his frame— a testament to the jolt of Harry’s strange power that had surged into his body.

Despite the agony, Adam focused through the pain, his resolve unwavering.

With a deliberate yanking motion of his wand, he pulled at Harry’s leg, disrupting the frenetic energy that surrounded him and causing the boy to lose his balance. Seizing the opportunity, Hermione, quick on her feet, cast a Full-Body Bind from behind him, causing Harry’s arms to snap to his side. A moment later, he fell flat on his back.

A moment later, the arcs of electricity surrounding Harry disappeared, causing a collective exhale to fill the room.

Su and Tony rushed toward Adam, the urgency evident in their steps, while the other two, Ron and Hermione, went to Harry. The pairs knelt beside their respective friends, checking them over for injuries.

Adam looked pained, but with the help of Tony and Su, he managed to get back on his feet.

Su’s eyes scanned him for any signs of lingering effects from Harry’s mysterious energy, while Tony couldn’t help but express concern. “Are you okay, Adam?”

“I’ll be fine.” Adam reassured them, though his voice was tinged with pain and even a hint of exhaustion. “I just didn’t expect— that.”

Meanwhile, Harry lay unconscious on the floor. Ron and Hermione exchanged worried glances as they assessed his condition. Hermione gently tried to rouse him, but Harry remained unresponsive.

Concern etched on his face, Tony turned his attention back to Adam. “How did you manage to get Harry?”

Adam winced slightly before explaining. “I realized that he was just reacting to what he was seeing. So, I used a distraction to catch him off guard.”

As Adam explained, a sudden revelation stole Tony’s attention. A chain wrapped around Harry’s ankle slowly faded into view, a clear sign that a Disillusionment Charm had been lifted. He and Adam exchanged knowing glances as Adam allowed all of his chains to dissipate, causing him to sag forward in exhaustion again.

“So you hid the chain and—” Su’s eyes widened in disbelief. “You… You took a direct hit on purpose!?”

Adam only shrugged in response. “Didn’t see any way forward. I don’t know what came over Harry, but that power is beyond my ability to handle normally.”

Tony, despite his concern, couldn’t help but admire Adam’s quick thinking.

“You did what you had to do.” He acknowledged, a hint of gratitude in his voice.

Su, still processing Adam’s decision, nodded slowly. “It worked, but you could’ve been seriously hurt. You promised you’d be careful.”

“I did, didn’t I.” Adam said and offered a small, wry smile. “But that was a risk I had to take. I’m sorry.”

“It’s all right.” Hermione reassured him as she moved towards Adam, with Harry’s unconscious form floating behind her.

“How is he?” Adam asked, worry overshadowing his exhaustion for a moment.

“I don’t know.” Hermione admitted, sharing in the sentiment. “We need to get him to the Hospital Wing— we need to get you both to the Hospital Wing.”

Adam accepted the suggestion without any protest, surprising everyone. “Let’s go, then. Sooner we get there, the better.”

With Su and Tony supporting him, and Hermione and Ron taking charge of Harry, the group made their way out of the Room of Requirement.

As they left, the door melted away, concealing the magical space once more. The friends continued on their way, each step carrying them closer to the Hospital Wing. The journey was marked by a solemn silence, the echoes of the intense magical clash still resonating in their minds.

Tony slowed his step for a few moments, unable to shake the sense of weight with what had transpired.

“Just what was that?” He muttered to himself, but not low enough to not be heard by Adam.

“I have absolutely no idea.” Adam said, and Tony turned his gaze to the boy, amazed to see that he was smiling in excitement. “No bloody idea at all.”

Adam. Tony thought for the millionth time since he’d met the boy. Is strange.

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