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A Most Anticipated Arrival

September 21, 1992, 11:00 AM, Great Hall, Hogwarts Castle

Adam Clarke

“You going to eat that?”

“Oh.” I said, shaking my head and gesturing at the food in front of me. “No. Help yourself. I’ll just have what’s left later.”

Tony took some of the crisp golden roast chicken as well as a sizable spoonful of steaming mashed potatoes, and I felt my mouth water. The hum of excited chatter and the clinking of silverware blended into a comforting background symphony, making me smile a little.

I reached for a roll and snapped it in two, my fingers gently spinning the halves as I allowed them to let some steam off. After having waited for a bit, I took my first bite and just about swooned.

“The elves have outdone themselves today.” I said and grabbed a few more rolls before they were all consumed by those around me. Suddenly, Tony’s— and everyone else’s— voracious appetite made sense. “Or is it just me?”

“No, no. It isn’t.” Su, to my right, said as she stuffed her face without reservation. “I think I’m in heaven.”

“Maybe it’s because the other schools are arriving today?” One of my Third Year classmates, Cho Chang, said some distance away.

“Wait…” I said, swallowing. “That’s today?”

Tony just looked amused, like he’d answered a question in his own mind, but Cho’s words took my attention away.

“You mean… You didn’t realize?” Cho said, shaking her head. “Today’s the twenty-first.”

I shook my head. “I thought it was still the twentieth for some reason…”

“He does that a lot— loses track of time and everything because of his studies. I vote that Adam becomes our House Mascot. All in favor?” Tony added, and a wave of laughter followed in the wake of his words, with quite a few of our peers grinning and raising their hands.

“… I know where you sleep, Goldstein.” I glowered at the boy, getting another round of laughter for my trouble.

I shook my head again as the conversation shifted to all of the different schools and where they’d be housed, but I was content to focus on my own thoughts.

The twenty-first of September. I thought, drawing on my admittedly still basic Arithmancy knowledge. The seventh day of the third week of the ninth month…

Their chosen date of arrival had to be an intentional thing; the wizarding world was very big on magical numbers, after all. Seven, three and then three times three. Definitely intentional.

I supposed it made sense: every advantage was one to be sought at every opportunity, whether the advantage was real or not. I was still not very convinced as to the viability of numbers being used to achieve an understanding of how magic works, but then again, I’d only just begun my Arithmancy classes.

Professor Vector had not done much beyond test us on our capabilities in basic mathematics, so far. It was an absolute slog, especially considering that I’d been in university in my past life at one point, but I assumed that, once she was certain that we weren’t complete dolts on the topic, then the real studying would begin.

I was tempted to jump ahead as I always do, but I’d been so swamped with everything that I’d let myself slow down some. I didn’t want to burn out; there was so much to do, and not enough time and energy to do it all— whether it be physical or mental.

Even with the help of Potions to keep my mind fresh and my body vitalized, it was still highly unwise to take too many burdens on without putting aside the time to rest, relax, and maybe even have a little fun.

Once the schools arrive and things settle down, I’ll resume my previous speed. I promised myself. I just have to figure out how to schedule Greengrass in this whole mess.

I’d met with the girl once so far, and all I’d done was make her practice the spells she already knew. She had not looked happy about that, but as I always liked to say, ‘them’s the breaks’.

If she can’t be bothered to follow my directions, she is wasting both her time and mine.

Shaking these thoughts away, I moved to take another bite before I stopped, noticing a familiar owl swooping down and landing before stretching its leg out to me.

Sirius sent me something? With a mix of surprise and anticipation, I quickly took the letter from the owl’s outstretched talon, making sure to avoid its attempt to bite me. Nice try, Ruddybird.

And, yes: Sirius actually named the damned thing ‘Ruddybird’.

Unfolding the parchment, I  began to read:


Hey Adam,

Just wanted to write to you and see how things are going over at Hogwarts. I know it’s only been a few months since your adoption became official, so I hope you’re settling in with that idea alright.

How’s school treating you? With all of the foreign schools arriving soon, everyone must be hard at work getting it all ready— I’ve never seen anything like that in my time there. I’m curious to hear about how it’s all going. I’ll be coming to attend, of course, so you could tell me then, but I’d prefer to keep contact with you like this.

Things on my end are, well, the usual, I guess. Just keeping busy and thinking about you and Harry and how you’re both doing. If you ever feel like talking or if you’ve got questions about anything, don’t hesitate to shoot me a letter. I’m here to listen and help out, whenever you need it.

Take care of yourself, Adam. Remember, you’re part of this family now, and we’ve got your back.

Catch you later,

Sirius Black

P.S: Make sure you prank Harry a few times; you’re so serious, at times, that he’d never see it coming— at least, not from you.

As I read through the letter from Sirius, a warmth spread through my chest that I hadn’t anticipated. I hadn’t expected the man to be so concerned and thoughtful.

Even after months of it, being part of a family again was strange. I didn’t necessarily feel like I belonged there yet, but the way that Sirius had welcomed me into his home without reservation or any strings attached was something that would stick with me for the rest of this life— and maybe even the next, assuming I managed to survive my death once more.

A small smile crept onto my lips. Here he was, right now, awkwardly doing his best to connect with me.

He wasn’t just a name in a book series; Sirius Black was a man who genuinely wanted to know how I was doing, who took the time to ask about my studies and my interactions with Harry. It was a reminder that family wasn’t just about blood. It was about shared experiences, the willingness to support one another, and the deep bonds that formed over time and further strengthened by the hardships life threw your way.

Feeling strangely humbled by the experience, I folded the letter and slipped it into my pocket. I continued my meal in the Great Hall, mulling over the letter some more.

“I still can’t believe you didn’t realize today was the twenty-first.” Tony got my attention, his voice holding a playful tone as he leaned across the table. He still looked amused.

“Yeah, yeah, I admit it.” I said with a shrug. “Time just seems to slip away sometimes, you know? Especially when I get distracted.”

“Oh, you were distracted, all right.” He said, grin widening for a moment before nodding towards the letter I’d stowed away in my pocket. “From Sirius?”

“Oh— erm, yeah.” I said, reflexively seeking the letter out to feel the parchment against my skin. “He just wanted to know how I was doing.”

“Yeah, I got one from my dad the other day too.” Tony nodded.

“…Yeah.” I said, feeling a little uncomfortable at the thought of calling Sirius ‘dad’. 

Tony laughed at my expression, reading me far too easily for my liking. “Oh, still not feeling right about that, huh… Well, you knew what you were getting into when you asked the man to adopt you. Best get used to it, you know?”

I shook my head. “I’ll keep that in mind, wise one. Thanks.”

“Wise one. Huh. I think I could grow to like hearing that from you.”

“Don’t test your luck, Goldstein.” I said, and we shared another laugh.

“So…” I continued, eager to move the conversation along. “When exactly will the students from the other schools be arriving?”

Tony shrugged. “I’ve no clue.”

“You know how it goes, Adam.” Su said, nudging her head towards Dumbledore’s position at the high table. “The Headmaster likes to keep us all on our toes. We’ll have to keep our eyes peeled.”

“The element of surprise, huh?” I said, nodding. “Classic Dumbledore.”

There was a series of nods around the table before we went back to our meals, occasionally throwing glances to the Headmaster to see if he was going to finally do something.

The old man, however, was content to remain serene in his chair, as if he had not a care in the world. As the minutes ticked by, the Great Hall buzzed with a mixture of excitement and curiosity. Students and staff alike stole glances at Dumbledore, who sat calmly enjoying his meal.

His demeanor was relaxed, and he seemed to be savoring each bite with deliberate slowness. His blue eyes twinkled with amusement as he exchanged occasional words with Professor McGonagall, whose own excitement was barely contained. Dumbledore knew that the eyes of the entire school were on him, waiting for a hint, a clue about when the students from the other schools would arrive.

The anticipation in the Great Hall was palpable. Whispers of speculation continued to float through the air, theories and guesses about the timing of the arrivals. Students leaned in close to their friends, speculating in hushed tones, each trying to outdo the other with more elaborate guesses.

As the meal progressed, Dumbledore’s deliberate pace seemed almost like a performance, a masterful act of building anticipation. He would occasionally pause to take a sip of his drink, his gaze sweeping across the sea of faces before him. It was as though he was savoring not just his food, but the collective eagerness of the Hogwarts community.

And as Dumbledore finally pushed his empty plate away and rose from his seat, a hushed silence fell over the hall, punctuated by the soft clinking of cutlery.

All eyes were on the Headmaster as he stood, his gaze sweeping across the room. With a knowing smile, he cleared his throat, the sound carrying easily in the quiet.

“My dear students.” He began, his voice bringing the weight of anticipation that had been building since the beginning down upon everyone. “I’m delighted to inform you that our guests will be arriving shortly.”

A collective murmur of excitement rippled through the Great Hall, the energy electric. The old man held up his hand, and all was quiet once more.

“If you’ll follow your Heads of House…” Dumbledore said, nodding towards the Professors in question.

“Come along, students.” Minerva said as she and the other Professors got up, heading towards the entrance of the Hall. She waited until everyone was gathered before pinning them with a piercing gaze.

“We expect all of you to put your best foot forward, and act as befits a member of this prestigious school. Is that understood?”

Murmurs of “yes, Professor” sounded out through the assembled students before McGonagall nodded, leading the way. The Great Hall once again erupted with a flurry of movement as students eagerly began to file out of the room.

We made our way down the corridors, guided by Professor McGonagall’s ever present figure. The Sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm, golden glow across the castle and its surroundings. When we reached the bridge that overlooked the Great Lake, we finally stopped.

“This must be where it’ll happen.” One of the students said, followed by a cascading set of murmurs voicing agreement. I pushed past a few of the older kids to reach the edge, looking towards the lake. Its surface sparkled and rippled, reflecting the sun’s radiant hues like a mirror and forcing me to squint at times.

The sight was no less breathtaking, painting a serene moment of tranquility before the storm of excitement would erupt. We stood on the bridge, the anticipation in the air almost tangible.

And then, the surface of the lake stirred. 

The peaceful stillness was broken by a deep, resonant sound that reverberated through the air. The waves grew in intensity, rising and falling in an entrancing rhythm, until finally, with a burst of raw energy, a skeletal ship erupted from the depths.

Gasps of astonishment escaped the crowd as we beheld it. Its appearance was dark and ominous, yet undeniably captivating. Its hull was sleek and angular, resembling the bones of some ancient and mythical creature. Jagged spikes and intricate carvings adorned its surface, their outlines illuminated by the setting sun.

Tattered banners of deep black, displaying a yellow, double headed eagle, fluttered from the ship’s masts, and its sails billowed like the wings of a creature taking flight. The ship moved with an eerie grace, guided more by magic than the wind. It glided toward the shore with an almost otherworldly presence, the water parting before its bow.

I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the spectacle, from the dark allure of the ship as it drew nearer. As the ship finally came to a stop, its anchor dropping with a heavy thud, I realized something.

This is actually happening. I thought, tearing my eyes away from the ship at the sound of one student’s rather obnoxious exclamation.

“Look up there!”

The whispers around me hushed as a new sound began to fill the air– a distant, melodious chiming that seemed to dance on the breeze. As the enchanting notes grew louder, heads turned toward the sky.

Emerging from the clouds like a dream, came a sight that captured our attention with equal measures of anticipation and wonder. High above the Great Lake, a flurry of wings and silver flickers caught the sunlight, creating a shimmering spectacle.

A fleet of winged horses, massive and powerful, soared through the air, their feathers glinting like precious metal in the sunlight. As they— Abraxans, I realized what they were— approached, I saw a mansion-sized carriage following behind them, adorned with delicate, swirling patterns that seemed to shimmer in the sunlight. It was suspended in mid-air, defying gravity as it was borne aloft by the majestic creatures.

As the carriages descended toward the shores of the Great Lake, the Abraxans guided them with effortless ease, though their flight was nowhere near as elegant and breathtaking as Absol’s nightly jaunts. With a rough touch, they landed on the grass, their wings folding as they, and the carriages behind them, came to a halt before a beaming Hagrid in the distance.

“Rough ride.” I muttered as I watched the Beauxbatons students emerge from the carriages, dressed in flowing robes that mirrored the elegance of their school.

The Headmistress, Madame Olympe Maxime, led the procession, her tall, imposing presence matched only by the display that had heralded their arrival.

“Adam…” Harry said from beside me, and my heart almost leapt to my throat as I jumped.

“Wha—” I said in alarm as I turned to him. “Were you here this whole time?”

Harry smirked for a moment before he nodded ahead. “Look. See her?”

Her? I thought as I followed the direction he was looking at— specifically at the Beauxbatons students. I sifted through the admittedly sharply dressed students to stare at one person in particular. “Oh, so she’s here, after all.”

Her appearance had changed somewhat since the time we’d seen her, but Fleur Delacour was the sort of person you could easily pick out of a crowd. She looked a lot less subdued than she’d been in the aftermath of the events at Phantasime, but I didn’t know whether that was an act, or whether she was actually doing better.

“That’s such an Adam thing to say.” Harry groused before he stopped and looked up. “You see that?”

“Huh?” I said and stopped what I was about to say. Taking my eyes off of Hagrid and Beauxbatons Headmistress for a moment, I turned my gaze upward again.

The once-clear blue expanse dotted with the occasional cloud was gradually being veiled altogether, a phenomenon that seemed to occur with a deliberate purpose. The atmosphere became tinged with an air of mystery as the clouds swirled and coalesced, swirling into a massive supercloud so thick I could almost experience its foam-like taste.

“What is that?

The clouds continued to shift and coalesce, heedless of my words. Then, as if responding to a hidden command, the massive supercloud began to descend, revealing a glimpse of something otherworldly.

Atop what could only be a massive magic Nimbus emerged a sight that left us all breathless. Suspended above the Great Lake, sitting on the surface of the Nimbus, was a magnificent series of structures that bore the hallmarks of Japanese elegance and magic. Its architecture was a harmonious blend of tradition and enchantment, with sweeping roofs and long winding pathways.

“Did they just up and bring the entire school with them?” Ron said, joining us, along with all of our friends, but nobody answered his words. We were too busy gaping.

Blossoming cherry trees framed the academy’s entrance, their delicate petals drifting like whispers on the wind and scattering all over the students. Lanterns hung like stars, their soft orange glow punctuating the sky with an ethereal luminescence.

As the academy descended toward the shores, its beauty remained undeniable. The school touched down with gentle grace at the other side of the Great Lake, its landing seamless and almost dreamlike. The students of Mahoutokoro Academy emerged from their main hall, a large building reminiscent of what I thought a Buddhist temple would look like; their attire was like looking into Japan’s past— boys, girls and teachers all wearing Kimonos of varying colors.

It’s just like Akari said. I thought, remembering the many conversations I had with the girl in question, back when I was at Grindelwald’s camp. Low level students wear pink, and as they progress, the color continues to shift until it hits gold.

There were quite a few wizards and witches in gold, too, I realized as they got close enough to enter Hogwarts proper.

The students’ faces held a mix of wonder and curiosity as they stepped onto the Hogwarts grounds, slowly linking up with the Durmstrang students and making their way to the Castle proper.

“I wonder who’s next?” Su asked, and I absently shook my head before clearing my throat, realizing she wasn’t looking at me.

“No clue, but it’s going to be hard to beat that entrance.”

A new wave of anticipation began to ripple through the crowd. Whispers of the next school’s entrance circulated as eyes turned towards the Great Lake, where the water’s surface remained deceptively calm. It had been a while since something had emerged from there, so it seemed like the smart place to look.

And then, as predicted, a colossal form breached the surface of the lake. Gasps of astonishment— and quite a few fearful ones— filled the air as a massive, animated horned serpent emerged, its sinuous body glistening with droplets of water. The serpent’s scales shone in a rich tapestry of deep blues and greens, catching the sunlight and reflecting the colors of the lake.

The creature moved with an almost ethereal grace, its movements fluid and mesmerizing. Its head, crowned with magnificent horns, swayed gently as it swam in the water effortlessly.

As the horned serpent drew closer to the shore, its pace slowed, allowing the spectators to fully appreciate its grandeur. Its eyes, glinting like gems, surveyed the crowd with an almost knowing gaze.

I threw a look towards Harry, who seemed less than enthused at the sight of such a great snake.

I guess he’s still not past his problem with Parseltongue… I thought with a bit of disappointment before I turned my attention back to the snake in question. It opened its maw, revealing a rather comforting looking, wooden interior.

In rows of seven, the Ilvermorny students began to file out of the snake mouth, dressed in robes of blue, black and cranberry. Once done, the giant serpent gently coiled its body on the grass, its eyes fixed on the students it carried within its body.

And so, I looked them over as well, noticing something almost immediately. Unlike Hogwarts’ students, whose Houses were an insular community in and of themselves, the Ilvermorny students seemed to freely mingle and interact with members of different houses.

It was such a strange difference, and yet somehow also trivial. The Ilvermorny students radiated a sense of unity, a camaraderie that spoke of shared adventures and experiences, where our own students almost seemed fated to fight amongst each other.

But there was no more time to ponder such thoughts as a nearby Slytherin pointed towards the treeline of the Forbidden Forest. “Look at the trees!”

The air was charged with excitement once again as all eyes turned toward the Forbidden Forest, where I noticed that the trees seemed as if they were parting for something.

No small thing can move trees that big, that’s for sure.

Soon, another massive shape emerged from the forest. Gasps of astonishment swept through the spectators as a gigantic, redstone sphinx emerged, its mere presence projecting a sense of regal authority. Its lion’s body, noble and powerful, moved with the measured grace of an apex predator.

The sphinx’s human-like eyes glowed with an otherworldly purple light, capturing the attention of all who beheld it. Its gaze held a depth of wisdom that seemed to reach beyond the ages, as if the secrets of the universe were encoded within its enigmatic stare.

As the sphinx neared the shore of the Great Lake, it gradually slowed its pace, allowing the crowd to fully appreciate its magnificence. The students of what could only be the school of Ayn Sehr who were perched upon its back were equally captivating, dressed in wide, flowing robes that bore intricate patterns reminiscent of sand dunes and starlit skies, embodying the essence of desert life.

With a dignified presence, the sphinx lowered its forepaws onto the ground, creating a platform from which the students gracefully descended. Their faces held a mixture of excitement and reverence, their eyes moving from each other towards the Castle of Hogwarts, towering above all others.

“What are they going to be staying in? The sphinx?” “Well, the Ilvermorny students will be in the big snake, so I reckon they could do the same.” “No, it’s not big enough…”

Ignoring the students’ postulations, I watched as the students parted for a short, stout man of advanced age, giving him respectful nods as he surveyed the area. He took three steps forward, and a step to the left before he planted something into the ground.

A moment later, he stepped away, beckoning all of the students away as well.

“What’d you reckon he—” Before one of the students could even finish her sentence, a pyramid the size of a large mansion began to erupt from the ground. Made of the same, red stone as the animated sphinx which bore them there, it stood wide, tall and proud, even in this foreign landscape.

“Wicked…” Ron’s voice came from beside Harry, and I could tell without looking that everyone was equally impressed. “Wait! Something else is happening! Look at the trees!”

The sunlight seemed to dim as a sort of gloom settled over the Forbidden Forest, shrouding the surroundings in a thick and eerie fog. A hushed tension rippled through the crowd as all eyes turned toward the forest’s edge once again.

From within the depths of the fog emerged a group of wizards, their footsteps unhurried and steady as they moved forward with an air of serene confidence. I realized a few seconds later that these people were indeed students.

“That crest…” Hermione said. “Those are students from Castelbruxo!”

Staring at her for a moment, I moved my gaze back to them.

The students, dressed in vibrant robes that echoed the colors of their South American heritage, walked with an unhurried gait, their faces calm as they almost seemed to meld with the fog surrounding them. Indeed, it was as if they were in tune with the very essence of the Forbidden Forest, unafraid and eager to embrace its secrets. Their every step seemed to resonate with a harmonious energy that showed their connection to the natural world.

And then, as the fog began to dissipate, a wooden structure came into view. It was a breathtaking fusion of architecture and nature, seamlessly integrated with the edge of the Forbidden Forest. The wooden structure, looking more haphazard than the Burrow likely was, exuded an air of primal magic, as if it had been woven into existence by the very spirits of the forest.

The Castelobruxo students gave the erected structure a nod of reverence before lining up before a tall, lean wizard with a twirly mustache.

“…So they just walked out of the Forbidden Forest.” One of the students said incredulously. “Like it was nothing.”

“They’ll be living there, too!?”

Once again, the whispers of the students were drowned out by the sound of nearby wildlife— though it did not sound like any animal cries I was familiar with.

Everyone’s gaze moved every which way, fixating on the skies, the Forbidden Forest, and the shores of the Great Lake.

From above, the sky seemed to come alive with a flurry of wings. Majestic birds soared through the air in a synchronized dance, their feathers a brilliant array of colors that painted the sky with vibrant strokes.

As they circled and descended, their forms shifted and transformed, revealing students who had been in animagus forms. Graceful eagles, colorful parrots, and even a few bats landed with a sense of purpose, each student seamlessly transitioning from their avian forms to their human ones.

On land, the Forbidden Forest stirred with even more movement. Shadows danced among the trees, and the ground trembled as powerful forms emerged. Lions prowled with a regal grace, leopards moved like shadows, and elephants and rhinoceri lumbered with a sense of quiet strength. A herd of antelope, zebra, and a few animals I didn’t recognize followed in their wake, almost afraid of the forest behind them.

“Wicked.” Ron breathed out for the hundredth time that hour before turning to Hermione. “Which school is this?”

“It’s Uagadou.” She said, though she was frowning as if unsure of her own assertion. “I think.”

“It’s got to be.” I agreed with a nod, watching them closely. “It’s the only school I know about that actively teaches the Animagus transformation.”

Even as we spoke, aquatic life stirred the waters of the Great Lake. Crocodiles, hippopotami, otters and more surfaced, their bodies transforming, revealing more of Uagadou’s students.

“Even the younger students know it?” Came the exclamation from one of the Prefects, who seemed almost shamed at the very revelation.

Gathering together, the witch at the head of the group took a quick roll call before nodding to a few of her colleagues. A moment later, they turned towards the mountain and began moving their bodies in a series of intricate patterns.

A wave of magic rippled through the air, and in the distance, the mountain seemed to shift and transform. The earth itself seemed to bend to their will as part of the mountain hollowed out, forming a grand structure. Its architectural marvel was a fusion of natural grandeur and thorough craftsmanship, an embodiment of the mountain’s essence and the wisdom of the African magical heritage.

The exterior of the structure blended seamlessly with the mountain’s rugged terrain, its surfaces adorned with carvings that seemed to tell stories of the past. Symbols and patterns, woven into the stone, spoke of a deep connection to the earth and the energies that flowed through it. As the sun’s rays played upon the surface, the carvings seemed to come alive, casting intricate shadows that danced in harmony with the wind.

The entrance to the school was marked by towering columns, each one carved to resemble the iconic baobab trees that graced the African landscapes. Their bark-like texture and weathered appearance spoke of timelessness, as if they had stood witness to countless generations of students who had crossed these thresholds. Above the entrance, a massive stone lintel bore an inscription in an ancient script, though I couldn’t tell what it said.

Breathtaking. Was all I could think.

And yet, there was still no time to react properly.

A sudden, booming roar boomed through the atmosphere, sending vibrations through the very ground beneath us. Heads turned, eyes widening in astonishment, as the sky above seemed to come alive with a burst of color and movement.

From behind the mountain containing Uagadou’s school’s new abode, ascended a colossal, Chinese dragon, its sinuous form snaking gracefully through the air. Its black scales shimmered like precious gemstones, each one reflecting the sunlight in a dazzling display.

The dragon moved with an air of majestic power, its every twist and turn a symphony of motion that seemed to defy the laws of nature. With every beat of its wings, gusts of wind surged forth, sending a rush of air through the crowd. The sheer force of its presence was palpable, a tangible manifestation of magic and energy that enveloped us all.

It twirled around the sky, bathing the air in streams of fiery color, each one different from the last. With each roar, a wave of energy swept through us, a reminder of the dragon’s incredible power.

Finally, with a triumphant flourish, the dragon gracefully landed, its massive body settling upon the ground with a reverberating thud. The impact sent shockwaves through the earth, a testament to the sheer weight and presence of the creature before us.

The students who had journeyed upon its back emerged from compartments that adorned its body, their faces alive with excitement. They wore robes that embodied the essence of their heritage, adorned with intricate embroidery and designs that paid homage to China’s rich history.

As the Longling Academy students stepped onto Hogwarts grounds, the Dragon roared for one final time before collapsing in on itself, the stone making up its body crashing into the floor. A moment later, the rubble stirred to life, and a great structure was erected from the floor, reaching as high as the redstone pyramid beside it.

It was a great temple of stone, solid and stout. Its entrance was marked by a grand gateway adorned with intricate carvings that depicted mythical creatures and scenes from ancient legends. The gateway’s roof was adorned with vibrant tiles that shifted in color to glint in the sunlight, casting a spectrum of colors upon those who passed beneath.

Beyond the gate, a tranquil courtyard awaited, surrounded by gardens of painted stone that burst with artificial, and yet somehow vibrant blooms. The air was filled with the soothing melodies of wind chimes that swayed gently in the breeze, their delicate harmonies a reminder of the beauty and serenity of the natural world.

I couldn’t help but contrast this place’s solid nature to Mahoutokoro’s airy one.

Two countries always in direct cultural conflict. I thought, even as I beheld the massive procession heading towards us. And they’re all coming here.

There was nothing I could say to that.

And, judging by all the silence around me, no one here had anything to say, either. We were just too overwhelmed.

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  1. Daniel Daniel

    There’s way too many, after the first few I stopped being impressed and became concerned with all the new shit that’s been forced here. I think it’s too complicated; I prefer it simple. Three schools are enough. How many is this, eight? It’s too many.

    • Too many for you, and yet at least 6 out of 9 of these schools are canonical.

      What’s also canonical is that Gellert Grindelwald was considered a threat to the safety of the Magical World. So, this makes sense within the bounds of the world.

      I’m sorry this isn’t your preference, though.

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