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Tournament Day

Age 750, May 6, Afternoon, Tournament Grounds

Bulma Briefs

The sun blazed down upon Papaya Island, making the air shimmer with heat. Bulma stood in the middle of the bustling crowd, feeling a bit lost as she tried to locate the ticket booth.

The excitement in the air was palpable, and she couldn’t help but feel a twinge of anxiety mingling with her anticipation. Clerks and workers rushed around, setting up the final touches for the World Martial Arts Tournament.

Host workers spoke to newcomers, guiding them to places to eat, drink, and sleep before the tournament began in earnest the next day.

Bulma adjusted her sunglasses and glanced around, hoping to spot a sign or a helpful face. The island was alive with activity, but she felt a bit overwhelmed by the sheer number of people and the heat pressing down on her.

She had come ahead of everyone else, thinking she could get everything sorted out for herself before their arrival, but now she found herself in need of their familiar faces.

She noticed a group of fighters demonstrating their skills nearby, drawing an enthusiastic crowd. The air was charged with the excitement of spectators eager to witness the great deeds of warriors who lived to fight. Despite her unease, Bulma couldn’t help but be swept up in the energy of the moment.

Taking a deep breath, she decided to approach one of the host workers. Just as she was about to step forward, a voice called out to her from behind.

“Excuse me, miss, you look a bit lost. Need some help?”

Bulma turned to see a friendly-looking clerk smiling at her. She returned the smile, feeling a wave of relief. “Yes, actually. I’m trying to find the ticket booth.”

The clerk nodded and pointed towards a large booth at the far end of the plaza. “Just head that way, and you can’t miss it.”

“Thank you so much.” Bulma said, her spirits lifting. She made her way through the crowd, feeling more confident now that she had some direction.

She reached the ticket booth and secured her pass. She couldn’t wait for everyone to arrive. For now, she let the excitement of the upcoming tournament bolster her spirits, ready to embrace the adventure that awaited them.

Bulma pocketed her ticket and began to wander around, taking in the vibrant sights and sounds. The anticipation of the tournament buzzed in the air, and she found herself gradually relaxing, despite the unfamiliar environment.

She stopped to admire a display of martial arts memorabilia when an unfamiliar voice rang, once again from behind her.

“Excuse me, are you Bulma Briefs?”

Oh, great. Solicitors. She thought in dismay, though she kept her face decidedly cool.

She turned and saw a couple approaching her. They looked vaguely familiar, though she couldn’t quite place their faces. Plastering on a pleasant smile, she greeted them. “Hello. Do I know you, by any chance?”

The woman shook her head, smiling warmly. “No, we’ve never met before, but we know who you are. Ten told us about you.”

Bulma’s eyes widened in realization, and she looked at them again, properly, this time; the man, in particular, with his blond hair and gray eyes, was an obvious indication as to her conclusion. “You’re Ten’s parents, aren’t you?”

The couple nodded, with the woman speaking after a moment. “I’m Jean, and this is my husband, Ren. It’s very nice to meet you, finally; we’ve heard a lot about you from Ten.”

“Nice to meet you, too.” Bulma said, feeling a rush of curiosity. She glanced around, hoping to spot Ten in the crowd. “Where is Ten? Is he with you?”

The man, Ren, shook his head in the negative. “We haven’t seen him in months. He left to look for answers, the same answers he’s been searching for this whole time. We were supposed to meet him here, but he hasn’t arrived yet.”

Bulma frowned, her mind racing. Ten’s motivations had always been shrouded in mystery, and he hadn’t really spoken about it to anyone— save perhaps Chichi and maybe Roshi.

“We’ve been through a lot.” Bulma said softly, more to herself than to them. “But he always seems to find a way.”

Jean placed a reassuring hand on Bulma’s arm. “He’s strong and determined. If anyone can find the answers, it’s him. We’re just worried about him, and we miss him.”

Bulma nodded, sharing their sentiment. “I’m sure he’ll be here soon; not long now.”

The couple smiled, their worry momentarily eased by Bulma’s confidence. They chatted for a while longer, with Jean and Ren sharing stories about Ten’s childhood and his journey so far.

“You mean to say that you were stranded in another world for years?” Bulma pointed at Ren, who nodded. “How? Opening a portal to other dimensions— the sheer level of energy required would be enormous, to say the least…”

“It was not insignificant.” Ren said, looking at Bulma in a different light. “Even through the use of magic, much was required to open the portal, and it took almost everything I had to close it back, only for a decade or so. Ten… He finished my work, and reunited me with my love.”

Jean smiled at the end there, kissing her husband on the cheek. “My son truly is one of a kind— did you know that, before he began his training a year ago, he couldn’t even lift more than a few kilos of weight?”

“… Are you telling me that he became one of the strongest people I’ve ever met through, what— we met in September, if memory serves— only seven months of training?”

“It does sound ridiculous when you put it like that, doesn’t it?”

“You think?”

Still, it all made sense now.

The three spoke of a few things, trying to ease their mutual anxiety about Ten’s whereabouts. Ten’s parents asked if Bulma had brought her own parents along.

Bulma shook her head with a small smile. “My dad’s busy with some new capsule projects he’s working on, and my mom… Well, she’s not really into martial arts. She prefers to stay at home and garden or shop.”

She pulled a small recorder from her pocket, holding it up. “I did promise to record the events for my dad, though. He loves seeing these things, even if he’s not here in person.”

Ten’s parents nodded approvingly. Jean glanced towards the crowd and suddenly pointed, her eyes lighting up. “Look at those boys in matching navy suits. Aren’t they adorable?”

Bulma turned to see where she was pointing and spotted Goku and another boy in matching suits, standing beside Master Roshi and a woman she didn’t recognize. Goku’s cheerful demeanor was unmistakable, and the sight of him brought a wave of relief.

“That’s Goku!” Bulma exclaimed, waving energetically. “But who’s that boy with him?”

Jean and Ren smiled as they watched Bulma’s excitement. She excused herself and made her way towards the group, her heart lifting at the sight of her friend. As she approached, Goku spotted her and broke into a wide grin.

“Bulma! Over here!”

Bulma quickened her pace and soon joined the group. She exchanged greetings with Goku, then turned her attention to the boy standing beside him.

“Hi, I’m Bulma.” She said, extending her hand.

The boy grinned and shook her hand enthusiastically. “I’m Krillin. Nice to meet you!”

Before Bulma could say more, Jean and Ren approached, smiling warmly.

“Hello there.” Jean said. “We’re Ten’s parents. I’m Jean, and this is Ren.”

Goku’s eyes widened with excitement. “Ten’s parents? Where is he? I’ve been looking forward to fighting him!”

Krillin nodded eagerly, his face lighting up at the mention of Ten. Master Roshi quickly stepped in, placing a hand on Goku’s shoulder. “Calm down, you two. Be polite and greet them properly.”

Goku and Krillin straightened up and bowed respectfully.

“Nice to meet you!” They chorused.

Bulma laughed at the sight, shaking her head.

“Goku, you’re rubbing off on your friend here.” She teased.

Krillin took mild offense, crossing his arms but inwardly feeling happy to have a friend. “Hey, I’m my own person!”

Goku scratched the back of his head, grinning sheepishly.

“These suits are really uncomfortable.” He admitted.

Everyone laughed at that, the tension easing as they shared the moment. Despite the uncertainties, Bulma felt a renewed sense of camaraderie and hope, knowing they would face whatever challenges lay ahead together.

As the group began to converse amongst each other, Bulma moved to stand by Goku, giving him a smirk. 

He looked at her curiously. “What are you looking at?”

“I’m looking at you.” Bulma chuckled. 

Goku, seeming a bit flustered, quickly changed the subject. “Hey, where’s Yamcha? I thought he’d be here.”

Bulma’s expression darkened slightly. “He left months ago to train. Didn’t even tell me.”

Goku didn’t notice her own turmoil, his attention caught by the lively conversations around them. But Bulma noticed something else. Despite Goku’s usual excitement, he seemed more focused than she remembered. His eyes had a seriousness to them that was unusual for him. Something was clearly on his mind.

She wondered if she should bring it up, but she hesitated. Maybe this was one of those times where she should push past things.

“Hey, Goku.” She said softly. “Is everything okay? You seem a bit… different.”

Goku turned to her, his usual carefree smile turning a bit strained. “Yeah, everything’s fine. Just thinking about the tournament and all the strong fighters. It’s going to be tough.”

Bulma nodded, sensing that there was more to it but not wanting to press him. “Yes, but you’re pretty good, Goku. You’ve got a good chance.”

Goku’s smile softened, and he nodded. “Yeah, you’re right. Thanks, Bulma.”

As Roshi and Ren began chatting, Roshi casually inquired. “So, how’s that old crone doing?”

Bulma, unfamiliar with the reference, raised an eyebrow until Ren clarified, “Baba’s doing fine.”

Curious, Bulma turned to Goku, noticing a subtle hesitation in his cheerful demeanor. “You know who she is?”

Goku paused for a moment, scratching his head. “Yeah, Ten’s mentioned her a few times. She’s the one who taught him how to use magic.”

Bulma nodded thoughtfully. “That’s right; Ten knows magic…”

Goku nodded as well, but his usual bright smile was once again tempered by something which Bulma couldn’t quite place.

What’s he thinking about?

Despite noticing Goku’s turmoil, Bulma decided not to bring it up directly. She respected his privacy and knew that Goku often preferred to deal with his thoughts and emotions in his own way. Instead, she continued to engage in the conversation with Roshi and Ren, keeping an eye on Goku from time to time.

He quickly went back to normal.

Jean wondered aloud. “How much longer until Ten arrives?”

Krillin, sharing her impatience, nodded eagerly. He had heard much about Yamcha and was eager to meet Ten again.

Roshi, sensing the restlessness, interjected calmly. “Settle down, everyone. Yamcha is already here, in the bunk area.”

Goku looked puzzled. “How do you know that, Master Roshi?”

Roshi smiled knowingly. “Training involves more than just physical exercise, Goku. Feeling someone’s energy is a skill that takes time to master, but it’s one you’ll learn, soon enough.”

Goku nodded, understanding. His Master’s abilities were so varied that he honestly didn’t think there would be an end to them.

“Ten is on his way here, accompanied by someone else.” Roshi added. “They’re still at the far edge of the island. They should be here in a few minutes.”

The group waited expectantly for that time, scanning the path in the distance until they finally spotted them. Bulma recognized the pair from a distance— Ten and Chichi. Excitement surged through her as she, Goku, and Krillin hurried over to greet them.

“Bulma! Goku! Krillin!” Ten called out with a grin, his eyes brightening as he spotted his friends approaching.

Goku, his usual enthusiasm shining through, reached them first, followed closely by Krillin. “Hey, Ten! You made it!”

Krillin chimed in eagerly. “Hey, Chichi! It’s great to see you both here.”

Chichi smiled warmly at the familiar faces. “Good to see you too, Krillin.”

Bulma joined them, her own smile wide with relief and happiness. “Welcome to the tournament, you two. It’s good to see you safe and sound.”

Ten nodded gratefully. “Thanks, Bulma. We had a few detours, but we made it.”

Bulma couldn’t help but notice something odd as Ten complimented Goku and Krillin on their suits. Chichi’s eyes were now green instead of black.

“Are you wearing contacts, Chichi?” Bulma said, smiling a little mischievously. Her expression turned to confusion when Chichi looked uncomfortable.

Before Chichi could respond, Ten stepped in, his expression apologetic yet determined.

“Her eyes are green now— something happened, and I’ll explain everything later.” He promised, placing a comforting hand on Chichi’s shoulder. “But right now, we’ve been on a long flight, and we’re absolutely starving. Let’s get signed up and find something to eat.”

“I— I’m sorry.” Bulma said, but Chichi waved it off with a smile.

“It’s fine.” She said. “Shall we?”

Bulma only nodded, glad to have avoided hurting her friend.



A while later, I was sitting back after a great meal, feeling satisfied and content. 

“I needed that.”

Beside me, Chichi hummed, not having eaten much at all. Ever since her change, she’d been less hungry as a whole— Kami had explained that he never found the need to eat, only needing to hydrate to maintain his energy levels.

I found that to be fascinating; if he didn’t need to eat, why did he have teeth? Purely for fighting purposes? 

Goku, for his part, was the complete opposite. He was like a ravenous beast, consuming everything put in front of him.

What a guy. At least he switched back to his gi— it would be a shame to have ruined that suit.

The restaurant buzzed with activity around us, but our table was a small island of familiarity and camaraderie. I looked around at everyone, feeling a warmth that had nothing to do with the food.

“So.” I began, leaning back in my chair. “How were your trips?”

Jean and Ren, seated on my right side, exchanged a glance before Jean answered. “Our trip didn’t take long at all. We had smooth sailing all the way.”

Ren nodded in agreement. “Yeah, no hiccups. It wasn’t my old little boat, but it did well. How was your flight, Ten?”

I blinked in confusion. “How’d you know I flew here?”

“The Master kindly informed us you were on the way here.” Ren said.

“From the edge of the island to here in a few minutes.” Bulma added between slow bites, pinning me with her gaze. “Doesn’t take a genius to know you were flying something. So?”

“…So?” I said, even more confused.

“What model?” Bulma asked, smirking. “Did you get an old junker? I could look at it for you— give it a bit of a sprucing up.”

“Oh!” I said as Chichi looked amused. “You thought we flew here. No, no. We didn’t use any machines.”

There was a long pause, with even Goku stopping to look at me.

“You can fly now!?” Bulma’s voice was raised as she stood up in shock, drawing the attention of a few passersby.

“Not so loud.” I raised my hands to placate the girl. “And yes. I learned it during my training.”

“What kind of training—” Bulma said before shaking her head and muttering about insane martial arts.

“I see.” Master Roshi said, and there was a knowing expression on his face as he spoke for the benefit of those not in the know. “You found him.”

I sighed, knowing that they deserved an explanation but also aware that it was a lot to unpack. “I did. It wasn’t easy, and a lot happened on the way there. But, yes, I can fly now— not for too long, though. It tires me out very much.”

Goku, always the eager one, grinned. “Will you teach me?”

I nodded, appreciating his enthusiasm. “I don’t see why not. I’m sure you’ll pick it up fairly quickly, Goku. What about you, got any new techniques to show me?”

“I did!” Goku said, nodding enthusiastically. “I can do the—”

“Now, now, boys.” Roshi said with a good natured smile. “You’ll be able to show each other in the tournament, eh?”

“Sounds good to me.” I said, smiling back.

“Me too.” Goku said and dove back into his meal.

As we continued to exchange stories and laughter filled the air, I felt a sense of belonging that I had missed for some time. Despite the challenges we faced, being here with my friends and family made it all worthwhile.

I suppose I should tell them what happened.

And so, I began to explain.

“Chichi and I infiltrated a Red Ribbon Army base.” I said, watching their faces for reactions. Goku and Krillin leaned in, their eyes wide with curiosity and concern.

“We found out they were conducting some pretty bad experiments.” I continued. “Chichi was subjected to something— I’m not going to go into too much detail— but it was bad. She was seriously hurt. We were fortunate that I was able to meet with Kami, who helped her get better.”

Bulma’s eyes widened. “Wait, you met with Kami? God?”

I nodded.

“And Chichi’s eyes.” Bulma said, slowly putting things together. “They changed color— some kind of biological experiment?”

Chichi nodded slowly, her expression somber but resolute. “Yes. It’s part of what happened. I’m still getting used to it.”

I squeezed her shoulder again, offering silent support. “But there’s more. We discovered that the Red Ribbon Army has something planned for this tournament.”

Everyone’s expressions turned serious.

“What are they planning?” Bulma asked, her voice tense.

I shook my head and reached into my bag, pulling out a piece of paper. I placed it on the table and then unfolded it, revealing the symbol Kami had me write down.

Roshi’s eyes widened in alarm as he saw the symbol.

“So it’s true, after all…” He muttered, his usually calm demeanor shaken.

“You know?”

“I was contacted by Kami.” Roshi revealed, to the surprise of Goku and Krillin, who looked like they were hearing about it for the first time. “But I had hoped that it wasn’t true. Call it an old man’s stubbornness.”

There was a long moment of silence before Bulma said something.

“What does it mean?” Bulma asked, looking between Roshi and me. “I know it says ‘Demon’, but so what?”

“That… Is the symbol of the Demon King Piccolo.” Roshi said, his voice grave now that he had a moment to think. “It was centuries ago, now, but the destruction wrought by that monster’s hands was incalculable. It took the efforts of my Master to seal him away, though at the cost of his own life and that of many of the students in my school. And now, he’s back…”

“Yes.” I said slowly. “The Red Ribbon Army has somehow gotten involved with King Piccolo, too.”

“Tell me some good news, here.” Bulma said, and I smiled.

“Well, if it helps, Chichi and I have been training for this day.” I said, throwing Master Roshi a look. “And it seems you guys haven’t been slacking off, either.”

Roshi nodded gravely. “Oh, yes. King Piccolo is one of the most dangerous beings in existence. I’ve been training the boys fairly hard as a result; I, myself, have been doing some, as well.”

The table fell silent as everyone absorbed the gravity of the situation. I could see the determination in their eyes, a shared resolve to face whatever came our way.

“Then, we’ll handle this together.” I said firmly. “We’ve faced tough challenges before, and we’ll face this one too.”

There was a general murmur of agreement before the conversation shifted to different topics.

As the meal progressed, I excused myself and walked towards the balcony overlooking the tournament grounds. The scene below was a lively tapestry of colors and movement, with fighters and their friends milling about, preparing for the upcoming matches.

A few familiar faces from the Central Games dotted the crowd, their presence stirring a mix of excitement and nervous anticipation.

I leaned on the railing, letting my eyes wander over the throng. The hum of conversation and the occasional burst of laughter blended into a distant symphony. The air was charged with tension, a palpable energy that thrummed through the crowd.

Lost in thought, I almost didn’t notice Goku approaching until he was beside me. He didn’t say anything, just settled into a comfortable stance, mirroring my posture as he leaned on the railing. I greeted him with a nod, which he returned silently, and together we watched the crowd below.

The Sun painted the scene with a warm, golden hue. Fighters performed last-minute stretches and practiced their techniques, their movements sharp and focused.

Friends and supporters gathered in small groups, offering encouragement and sharing strategies. The atmosphere was a blend of camaraderie and competition, each person a vital part of the larger tapestry.

The silence between Goku and me was tense, yet somehow comforting. The usually boundless energy that defined Goku was tempered by a rare calmness, a reflection of the gravity of the situation.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Goku start to open his mouth as if to ask a question, but then he hesitated, looking unsure. It was surprising; Goku was usually so headstrong and straightforward.

“Oh!” I said in realization, getting the boy’s attention. “I almost forgot.”

Reaching into my [Inventory] I pulled out the boy’s Power Pole. “It turned out that I didn’t need this, after all. Here.”

Goku’s expression switched to a smile. “You got it back for me.”

“Of course.” I said, nodding. “Between this and the Four-Star Dragonball, this is all that’s left of your grandpa, isn’t it?”

“Yeah.” Goku said, holding the staff in his hands before pulling it close to himself.

“Should stay in the family.”

“Family…” Goku said slowly, and looked like he was trying to build himself up to say something.

I was about to ask him what was going on when I noticed someone familiar in the crowd below.

It was Mark.

Without thinking, I jumped down from the balcony and made my way through the throng towards him, Goku following close behind. When we reached him, I greeted him warmly. “Hey! Mark—”

“Hey.” He cut me off with a cold, dismissive tone. “I go by Hercule now. It is good to see you, Ten.”

True enough, I could see the name above him saying:

Hercule – Lv 75

He’s certainly been training hard. The sheer level gain…

The name felt foreign on my tongue, but I nodded, respecting his choice and confused by his sheer coldness.

“I— All right. Your stage name. Hercule, then. How’ve you been, man?” I said, trying to read his expression and not getting much for my trouble. I was tempted to use [Insight], but instead decided to ask him more questions.

“Here to compete?”

He nodded in confirmation.

Goku’s face lit up with his characteristic enthusiasm, his earlier thoughts pushed to the side for now. The power pole was slung over his back, now. “Ten’s spoken of you; I can’t wait to fight you!”

Hercule looked at Goku, then at me with a questioning gaze. I smiled reassuringly. “Goku would have probably beaten you when I met him, and he’s improved a lot since then.”

“This runt?” Hercule’s expression changed, his eyes holding a great deal of skepticism. He sized up Goku once more. “Is that so?”

“Yeah.” Goku said, his excitement undiminished. “I’ve been training really hard!”

I nodded in agreement. “You’ll see, M—Hercule. Goku has a way of surprising people.”

Hercule initially seemed standoffish, but my words seemed to soften his demeanor, replacing some of his skepticism with a more good-natured sense of rivalry.

Just as the atmosphere between us was lightening, a sharp voice interrupted from behind Hercule.

I turned to see another man in a pink changpao with his hair tied back in a ponytail. Above him I read:

Tao – Lv 97

Hercule quickly bowed respectfully.

“This is my Master, Taopaipai.” Hercule announced. “Master Tao, these are Ten and Goku.”

Taopaipai walked with purpose, his gaze sweeping over me and Goku with a scrutinizing intensity. His clothes flowed around him as he moved with the practiced grace of a strong fighter. His ponytail swayed subtly with each step, adding to his composed demeanor amidst the tournament’s lively atmosphere.

Taopaipai remarked with a hint of arrogance.

“So you are the boy named Ten.” He said, looking upon me with a critical gaze. “The… Anomaly, I believe it was?”

I stepped back on instinct, ready to fight. Goku looked at me in confusion, but made some distance as well.

“Only one group has called me that.” I said, turning to look towards Hercule. “I can’t believe you’d side with the Red Ribbon.”

Hercule bristled and was almost about to speak, when Tao’s raised hand stopped him. “A hasty assumption, young man, though not entirely without merit.”


He stared at me for a moment, before deigning to condescend to me. “Let’s just say we’ve been conducting our own business against that group.”

“…” I absorbed his words for a moment before speaking. “Then perhaps we can find some common ground—”

“With an associate of the Turtle School?” Tao said in false amusement as he looked towards Goku, nodding towards the symbol on his back. “I’d recognize that school uniform anywhere. With that said, however…”

He turned to leave. “You both would make worthy tests for Hercule in the tournament. Come, Hercule.”

“Yes, Master.”

I felt a twinge of annoyance at Tao’s dismissive assessment, but I restrained myself from responding, instead watching them go.

The plot continues to thicken… I thought to myself. How will things progress with a third party acting independently? Is the enemy of my enemy truly my friend? I know Mark— Hercule— wouldn’t attack us, but his Master…

I wasn’t so sure about his Master, because unlike for Hercule, I did use [Insight] on him.


Race – Human
Age – 291

HP: 70,000
Ki: 90,000

Rep: 0/10,000 Neutral

Taopaipai, or Mercenary Tao as his clients refer to him, is a highly skilled assassin-for-hire. He charges a hefty price for his expert services, normally 100,000,000 Zeni. After suffering a humiliation at the hands of General Blue of the Red Ribbon Army, he has declared that he would annihilate them— if it’s the last thing he did.

He is thinking of using these Turtle School fools as pawns in his game of revenge, just like he is using his pupil, Hercule.

And I did not like what I saw.

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